Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Progress Update

Things are moving at a wonderful pace. I'll try not to update too often, so it doesn't get old for you, but quite a bit has happened since my last post.

Manuela now has penciled pages completed for Pages 1 - 3, and I hear I should see page 4 already tomorrow! Her sense of layout, composition, setting, and narrative is only matched by her clear vision for the characters and story.

This has been a great boon to me, on top of being exciting to see. I have decided that for now I will assume that I will be the letterer for the project. One nice result of this is that I have a very natural intuitive venue to edit my dialogue. As I letter, the dialogue improves to more perfectly match the pages. It lets me do a lot of work with pacing, which I like.

I understand that soon, I should begin seeing pages from Michela, as well. (She has fewer pages, due to the structure of the story, so didn't need to work as fast.) I'm excited to see the other side of our story, as then it will all really come together.

We have had a strong response from colorists, and have started to receive some sample work. I hope we can select a colorist in the next two weeks or so, so that they can work on inked pages almost as soon as they are ready.

So far, everything is on track to have Issues 0 and 1 complete by the end of the year, with a preview available late this year. Our hope is to make the preview available in limited quantities in print, for comic shops who are interested, and limited distribution at trade shows. (More on that when the time comes.) We will also probably be releasing Issue 0 online as a preview.

Thanks for paying attention. I can't wait until we can show you the story we are telling-- the artists are doing such amazing work, they make me look like a better writer than I really am.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Official Art Team Announcement!

I am incredibly excited to announce that two artists from Italy's EdenStudio, Manuela Soriani and Michela Da Sacco, along with painter Reuben Negron, will form the core of the art team for the upcoming "Deathlings" graphic novel! Read on for more information about the team, and some official sample images they have put together of many of the characters.

(If you have been paying attention over the last couple of weeks, you know that it has been driving me crazy not to be able to share this news, so posting this is a huge relief! I really could not be more personally thrilled with the people that have agreed to work with me. I don't think I ever really believed I could put together a team like this.)

Manuela will be doing pencils and inks for the real-world elements of the story, featuring Anne, and her friends and family, in small-town New England. Her previous credits include "Jonathan Steele" and "Rourke" (Star Comics) and "Galaxies" (Ass. Cult. Alex Raymond).

Michela will be doing pencils and inks for the more fantastic elements of the story, including other-worldly and dream sequences featuring the Deathling, Ani. Her previous works include Jonathan Steele (Star Comics), "L'Insonne - Desdy Metus" and Maisha (Edizioni Arcadia), Gli Scorpioni (Ass. Cult. A. Raymond), and Thumos (an original webcomic).

The especially cool thing about this is that Maneula was once Michela's apprentice, before becoming a full member of EdenStudio. The two work very well together, with distinctive but complementary styles. You will see the difference when the story moves from setting to setting, but the effect won't be jarring. Obviously, I'm also incredibly excited to be working with such consummate professionals, with such amazing portfolios and publication histories-- who it also turns out are just wonderful, sweet people to work with.

The news doesn't end there, though. Brilliant artist Reuben Negron will be providing painted covers for the entire six-issue mini-series! I already knew him for his Dirty Dirty Love series of paintings, among others, before he said he was interested. His artworks are currently showing in the "Off the Clock" show at Like the Spice Gallery, and in the "New Breed" exhibition at Last Rites Gallery, the most recent of many group and solo shows. His published works include "Democracy for Beginners" (Steerforth Press), Playboy Magazine, New York Press's "Underground Comics Spectacular", and "Rabbit Rabbit Comics Anthology".

We are still looking for a Color Artist and a Letterer, and will be also working with various talented artists on pinups, variant covers, and promotional art. In other words, if you've been hoping to get involved, this announcement doesn't mean it's too late!

Official Character Art

I hope you enjoy these official character sketches by Manuela and Michela, which are our first taste of their excellent work on this project.

A Word on the Story

Anne's Story is the first chapter of a larger story. It is a coming-of-age tale that starts with the protagonist's death. A teenager gains power over life and death, in a world where it turns out that the real stakes are bigger things-- and smaller ones.

The overarching story is about a war against the undead, fought by secretive beings-- Deathlings-- who are similar to their immortal enemies. There is another war, within their ranks, over whether the innocent lives are an acceptable cost. The core concepts are death, purpose, growth -- and the lack thereof.

This chapter is all about grounding fantastic concepts (especially the undead) in reality, and most importantly, with characters who are real people. The art team I have brought together is going to be just perfect for exactly that!

To find out the rest, you will have to read the series...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Update - Script and Characters

For those who are curious, I will be doing occasional progress updates on creating the first couple of comics. It's your peek into our process, but also a chance for me to share how excited I am about how things are going.

First, I have now received a total of eight amazing character portraits, from the internal line-art team. As a writer, who has been dreaming up stories with these characters for over a decade, it is like magic to me how the artists are transporting characters out of my head, and onto paper. They look exactly as they always have in my mind's-eye.

You're going to love this comic, no matter how good my writing turns out to be. The artists are so professional and gifted, and they totally understand every inch of the world they are creating for you.

The second bit of news is that the script for Issue 0 is finalized, and the script for the first three pages of Issue 1 is as well-- both have been sent to the artists! Now that they have pages to draw, they will be starting in the next week or so. I'm working hard to make sure that I have pages done ahead of when they are needed, so I never slow these geniuses down.

Finally... With the cover artist confirmed, and so many character designs ready, we are very close to an official announcement of the core art team. You should be hearing from me in the next few days-- and the news will appear here first!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Behind the Scenes Progress

The project has been going for less than three weeks, and we're already making great progress.

The outline for the entire six-issue "Anne's Story" mini-series is complete, broken down by issues. Character sketches and official designs have been coming back from the wonderful artists, based on written descriptions of all of the characters for the first few issues. We have a one-page publisher pitch written, ready for when we have enough final art to show them. We're even making progress in our search for a cover artist, letterer, pinup artists, and a color artist.

Plus, as you can see, the Deathlings website is now live, along with this blog. I've hidden a few other things out there on the Internet for you to find, and there are more to come.

Starting on August 15th, the art team will be finishing up deadlines on other projects, and officially begin work on Issues #0 and #1 of "The Deathlings: Anne's Story". Around that time, we will make an official announcement of the team so far.

As of today, the first drafts of the 5 page Issue #0, and the 21-page Issue #1 (or a 26 page first issue) are done. I will be putting the finishing touches on them, and doing some re-writing where necessary, in time to have a final draft off to ________ and ________ one week from today.

By this winter, both issues will be complete, and the preview will be available. Then our efforts can focus on pitching to publishers, visiting conventions, and the process of finding ways to share our story with you.

In the meantime, keep up to date on our progress, and see teasers from the story and art, right here!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Coming Soon

Our whole team are hard at work on bringing you the first chapter of the Deathlings, "Anne's Story" or "Missing Pieces" (working titles). This six-issue mini series will introduce us to the world of the Deathlings, starting on the last day among the living for a normal teenage girl.

Coming Winter 2009-2010
Deathlings: Anne's Story Issue #0 , "The Dream of Death"
Full color prologue story introducing our main characters, plus teaser art.

Watch this blog for more news and announcements about the series, including completing our art team, character previews, samples from Issues #0 and #1, and more.

Recent News:

- The interior line art team have been selected, and are at work on character designs. An official announcement will be made in the coming weeks.

- We also hope to have news soon about a confirmed cover artist, someone you may recognize.

- The entire six issue mini-series is plotted, the script for Issue #0 is with the artists, and the script for Issue #1 is nearly finished.

- Coming Soon:

- We are still looking for a colorist and letterer. Visit This Article on DeviantArt for more information.

What would you like to see in the next update?